RF CO₂ Laser Technology Represents
a New Light in Wound Healing Management
Wound care has become a top-priority issue for health systems worldwide. The expenditure for wound management has been rising up in last few years and could experience further growth, due to progressive ageing of population and global spreading of diseases like diabetes and obesity. Chronic wounds include, but are not limited, to venous leg ulcers, pressure ulcers and diabetic foot ulcers that may result in amputation. Laser technology, especially using the most advanced CO₂ lasers with RF source, represents a new opportunity in wound healing management, in order to reduce healing time and improve the quality of life and care for patients, mainly for those affected by chronic and non-responsive ulcers. By proper selection of laser technical parameters (such as power, pulse shape, frequency and scanning features), physicians can induce different biological effects on tissues, ranging from precise cut and/or ablation to deep and effective stimulation of tissue regeneration.
How it Works SmartXide² laser
can play a key role in “wound bed preparation”, being effective in most phases of TIME framework. It allows an extremely accurate, delicate and safe removal of fibrin and necrotic tissue from the wound bed (“T” phase). CO₂ laser debridement performed with the specifically implemented ultra-miniaturized scanning system EndoScan and the U-pulse shape emission provides an excellent and perfectly controlled ablation of target tissues. In vitro and in vivo studies showed that laser irradiation induces important responses in tissues, in terms of inflammation, growth factors expression, collagen regeneration, immune-modulation and neo-angiogenesis. Given its wide range of applications and effects, RF CO₂ laser technology could be strategic for effective and efficient wound healing management, providing a therapeutic chance to extremely non-responsive wounds as well (e.g. patients affected by lower limb ulcers with exposed bone, risking minor or major amputations).