CO₂ lasers successfully used for

the treatment of many female genital tract diseases

In gynecological laser surgery the CO₂ lasers is successfully used for the treatment of many female genital tract diseases with applications in colposcopy and laparoscopy obtaining many advantages against more traditional techniques or open surgery.


Used in medicine for over 30 years, a CO₂ laser coupled with a colposcope has become an indispensable tool for the ablation or excision of numerous lesions of the lower genital tract, especially when it is necessary to minimize tissue removal.


Condyloma acuminate of the cervix, vagina, anal vulvas, Cysts and abscesses of Bartolin’s glands, Cysts of the mucosa, Various degrees CIN up to invasive or initial-stage carcinomas (IA1), Fornix and cupola pathologies (VAIN, vaginal endometriosis, condylomatosis), VIN, Bowen’s disease, Queyrat’s erythroplasia, Bowenoid papulosis, Leukoplakia (vulvar dystrophy), Polyps, Perivulvar and perianal fistulas, Precancerous endoanal lesions


SmartXide² laser can be coupled with an operative laparoscope for intra-abdominal surgical treatments. The advantage of CO₂ laser in gynecological laparoscopy is the minimal lateral thermal damage and complete control of action depth. The operator can constantly monitor the penetration depth during surgery. This makes the use of the SmartXide² system especially suitable for laparoscopic surgery on critical areas such as those adjacent to the intestine, ureter and bladder.


Endometriosis, Adhesions, Myomas and uterine fibroids, Ovarian fibromas, Salpingostomy, Fimbrioplasty, Fallopian tube microsurgery, Oophorectomy, Ovariectomy, Ovarian drilling (for ovarian polycystosis), Metroplasty, Ablation of the uterosacral ligaments, Hysterectomy, Sacrocolpopexy, sacrocervicopexy, sacrouteropexy (for genital prolapse)

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