Especially recommended for
Hair Removal, Anti-Aging & Wrinkles, Vascular Lesions, Pigmented Lesions, Skin Tightening

Synchro REPLA:Y
The Top Worldwide Laser System for Speed and Power in Hair Removal The system offers a widest range of wavelengths: Alexandrite, Nd:YAG and pulsed lamp
Key to Success:
Fasteness t works up to 5hz (the 1° Alex laser working at 5Hz with Moveo Technology)
Power it reaches 125 W, 25% more than any other laser in the market
Flexibility 3 light sources can be integrated Alex, Nd:YAG and Pulsed Light
Wide spot size availability a large number of handpieces (from 2.5 to 24mm spot size) can be setted
First Double-Source Laser with Alex at 5Hz
Synchro REPLAY has the most powerful (125W) and fastest (5Hz) Alex Laser together with unrivalled Nd:YAG (180W).
According to Your Needs It is Available in 4 Configurations:
Excellium 3.4: Alexandrite + Nd:YAG (180W)
Excellium HP: Only Nd:YAG (180W)
Premium 2.4.2: Alexandrite + Nd:YAG (70W)
Premium 1.4.2: Only Alexandrite
Moveo Technology: the Real Revolution
in the Universe of Hair Removal
Synchro REPLAY can be integrated with Moveo – an exclusive DEKA technology which allow to make repeated passes on skin inducing a gradual heating of the vital parts of the hair and leading to their destruction. Moveo handpiece intergates a sapphire tip that comes in contact with the skin reducing the reflected energy loss.
Maximum Effectiveness
Total Safety

FT Pulsed Light
The versatile FT lamp can be added to the system at any time, enhancing the user capability in treating superficial Vascular and Pigmented Lesions.
The FT pulsed light has ten different filters divided in five spectra of emission (500-520-550-600-650nm) and two spot areas. This flexibility is useful to adapt the emitted light to the patient skin type, application and treatment area.