Especially recommended for Skin Surgery, Anti-Aging & Wrinkles,
Scars, Pigmented Lesions, Skin Tightening
3 Scanning methods (Normal,Interlaced,Smart Track)
5 Smart Stack levels
5 Adjustable scanning: size , height ,width ratio
10 DOT dwell time
29 Power levels
38 Treatment densities
Possible combinations

SmartXide DOT®
SmartXide DOT®: Excellence, Technology And Reliability
SmartXide DOT® is the only CO₂ laser that works through pulsed emission, utilizing two innovative technologies: SmartPulse and SmartStack. The SmartPulse technology and the SmartStack function guarantee maximum reliability in controlling the depth of vaporization and the non-ablative thermal effect on the skin. Minimal thermal damage to the surrounding tissue guarantees rapid recovery for the patient. SmartXide DOT® is indicated to treat even the most complex cases, such as scarring, surface pigmentation and deep wrinkles, tailoring treatments and downtime to the patient’s needs.
Clinical Results
Reference list
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